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These Terms and Conditions (“Terms”) govern the receipt and use by your financial institution of reports (“Reports”) and other services (“Services”) that Mastercard provides pursuant to official bulletins or announcements (e.g., enumerated with an “AN” prefix) issued by Mastercard in effect as of the date of Your acceptance of these Terms (“Current Announcements”), as well as pursuant to future bulletins or announcements that may be issued by Mastercard from time to time (“Future Announcements” and together with Current Announcements, “Announcements”), in each case, where You have not opted out pursuant to the applicable Announcement. By clicking “Accept”, you, on behalf of your financial institution, are agreeing to these Terms and the applicable Announcements, and represent and warrant you have the authority to agree to these Terms on behalf of such financial institution. These Terms do not modify or supersede any other agreement You have with Mastercard. “Mastercard” means Mastercard International Incorporated (or the affiliate thereof as specified in the Announcement). “You” or “Your” means your financial institution and its affiliates. Examples of such Reports or Services are set forth in Section 11 below.

1. Subject to these Terms, You are permitted to (i) access, review, download, use, report, summarize, and print copies of Reports, and (ii) use the text, data, graphics and other content contained in Reports, in each case, solely for Your own internal use and in compliance with all applicable laws and reputable business practices. You shall comply, and cause all other users of Reports to comply, with these Terms. Unless with Mastercard’s prior written consent, Reports may not be reproduced, distributed or provided to any other person or published in whole or in part, or summarized or excerpted, in any format, for any purpose. Use of Services shall be subject to terms and conditions presented or otherwise referenced in the applicable Announcement and, if applicable, as presented with the Service.

2. You shall not combine any Report or deliverable created in connection with a Service (“Deliverable”) with any content (i) in any manner that states or suggests that Mastercard or any Report (or Deliverable) is endorsing, sponsoring or affiliated with such content or related products or services, (ii) making any recommendations or providing advice as to any securities or securities markets or (iii) to create a commercially available product, index or similar item, if such Report, Deliverable or Mastercard is mentioned publicly as a source for any data included therein. You shall at all times list Mastercard as the source of such Report or Deliverable and information contained therein and shall not change, obscure or remove any copyright or other notice or legend on such Report or Deliverable.

3. You agree that Mastercard exclusively owns all rights and intellectual property rights in Reports and Services (including Deliverables), and all related trademarks, service marks, logos, names, trade names, data, websites, methodologies, models and concepts (“Mastercard Intellectual Property”). You are not granted any rights, permission, or license to use any Mastercard Intellectual Property. You will not directly or indirectly, or publicly or otherwise question or contest the validity and/or value of, or disparage the Reports, Services, Deliverables, Mastercard Intellectual Property, or Mastercard’s rights therein.

4. You acknowledge and agree that (i) the Reports, Services and Deliverables are provided solely for informational purposes and contain information available as of the publication date of the Reports or availability date of the Services or Deliverables, (ii) use of the Reports. Services and Deliverables is at Your sole determination and risk, (iii) Mastercard does not provide investment or financial advice or recommendations regarding securities, (iv) REPORTS, SERVICES AND DELIVERABLES DO NOT PROVIDE INVESTMENT ADVICE, (v) no person (including You and Your users) should rely upon the Reports, Services or Deliverables in making investment or other financial decisions, (vi) Reports, Services (including Deliverables) and their respective contents, including any estimated forecasts of spending trends, do not in any way contain, reflect or relate to actual Mastercard operational or financial performance, or specific payment card issuer data, and (vii) MASTERCARD IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR USE OF ANY REPORTS, SERVICES OR DELIVERABLES.

5. The information in Reports or used in connection with Services and Deliverables is derived from various sources, including sales transactions made with payment cards, checks and other means of payment, which sources are believed generally reliable, but such information has not been independently verified by Mastercard. While Mastercard has used commercially reasonable efforts to validate certain assumptions and estimates with respect to the underlying data in such Reports, Services and Deliverables, Mastercard makes no representation or warranty of any kind as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of Reports, Services or Deliverables. Various assumptions and estimates may have been made in connection with Reports, Services or Deliverables, which may or may not be realized. Any changes in facts, conditions, or such assumptions or estimates may also have a material effect on the statements and conclusions made in the Reports or provided through the Services or Deliverables. MASTERCARD MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS AS TO MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR ANY PURPOSE OR OTHERWISE, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO REPORTS, SERVICES AND DELIVERABLES, WHICH ARE PROVIDED “AS IS”.

6. None of Mastercard or its affiliates, or their respective directors, officers or employees shall have any liability for any direct, indirect, consequential, punitive or other damages or any losses arising from any use of Reports, Services or Deliverables. These Terms shall be enforceable by Mastercard directly against You. You shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless, Mastercard and its affiliates, and their respective officers, directors, employees, agents, licensors, from and against all claims, actions, expenses, damages and costs, including reasonable attorneys’ fees and charges, resulting from or related to Your use of Reports. Services or Deliverables, or any portions thereof, and/or any violation of these Terms.7. You acknowledge and agree that the analyses and data included in Reports, Services and Deliverables shall be subject to all relevant laws and regulations for each applicable country, as well as Mastercard’s contractual obligations and internal confidentiality, privacy, and data analytics guidelines and policies (“Applicable Standards”). In no event will Mastercard be obligated to supply or share any information or data which Mastercard determines, in its sole discretion, would cause Mastercard to be in violation of any such Applicable Standards. Mastercard reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to apply adjustments in order to achieve conformance with such Applicable Standards. You agree that You will not take any adverse decision against cardholders or merchants (as the case may be) based on the metrics which Mastercard provides to You.

8. Each of You and Mastercard will comply with: (i) all applicable international, federal, state, provincial and local laws, rules, regulations, directives and governmental requirements relating in any way to the privacy, confidentiality or security of Personal Data, as defined below, including, without limitation: EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679; the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act; laws regulating unsolicited email communications; security breach notification laws; laws imposing minimum security requirements; laws requiring the secure disposal of records containing certain Personal Data; and all other similar international, federal, state, provincial, and local requirements, and (ii) the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards, in each case, to the extent they apply to the Reports, Services or Deliverables. Subject to any applicable law, You agree that Mastercard may transfer data to any country in which any Mastercard affiliate does business.

9. Where processing of personal data subject to privacy and data protection law in the European Economic Area (“EEA”) is involved in the context of Reports, Services and Deliverables, You agree that You act as a data controller and give Mastercard, acting as a data processor, lawful instructions to process such personal data for the purpose of Reports, Services and Deliverables. Where You have entered into a data processing agreement with Mastercard, the terms in such data processing agreement shall apply to the EEA personal data processing for the purpose of Reports, Services and Deliverables. Where You have not entered into a data processing agreement with Mastercard, You agree to be bound by the terms in Section 3.13 Data Protection under Europe Region in the Mastercard Rules for the EEA personal data processing for the purpose of Reports, Services and Deliverables. Unless otherwise described in a relevant Announcement or documentation, the following description of processing activities are carried out for the purpose of the Reports, Services or Deliverables (as applicable): (i) subject matter of the processing - personal data processing for the purpose of providing such Reports, Services or Deliverables ; (ii) nature and purpose of the processing – preparing and furnishing aggregated and anonymized insights relating to payments; (iii) types of personal data – transaction data, any other personal data provided by You or necessary to provide such Reports, Services or Deliverables; (iv) categories of data subjects – cardholder; and (v) duration of the processing – for the period necessary to provide such Reports, Services or Deliverables, and to comply with applicable laws.

10. These Terms, the Announcements and the respective rights and obligations of the parties shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York without reference to its conflict-of-laws or similar provisions that would mandate or permit application of the substantive law of any other jurisdiction. The state and federal courts located in the State of New York shall have the exclusive jurisdiction over any actions or disputes related to these Terms or the Announcements. Mastercard may update these Terms from time to time and will provide You with prior notice of such updates.

11. Examples of Reports or Services may include Mastercard PortfolioAnalytics Premier, Mastercard Portfolio Intelligence Report, Mastercard AIM Forecasting Report, Mastercard Spend Tracker Report, Mastercard E-Commerce Report, Mastercard Performance Measurement Report or Mastercard SpendingPulse, South Asia Performance Enhancement Initiative, Innovation Sentinel Report, Portfolio Optimizer, the Privacy Enhanced Analytics Platform, Consumer Credit Cards Optimization Bundle, Consumer Panels (e.g., The World Payment Advisory, Account Based Payments Advisory, etc.), Mastercard Issuer Card Services Report (Premium and/or Basic), , Mastercard Acquiring Report, Issuer CNP (Card Not Present) Report, and Acquirer CNP (Card Not Present) Report.