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Product offerings
Helping diverse merchants & publishers.
Offers for Merchants
Maximize ad spend, reach ideal consumers, and engage customers with pay-per-performance campaigns.
Offers for Publishers
Deliver Offers to drive consumer engagement and incremental spend.
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Mastercard Developers
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Offers for Merchants

Mastercard Offers enables merchants to better target and personalized offers to consumers through our attributable, global advertising channels that effectively drives consumer loyalty, incremental spend, and better return on ad spend than traditional channels.


Drive loyalty with more reach, ease, and efficiency

Mastercard Offers helps merchants meet their business goals by delivering end-to-end management of merchant-funded offers with unprecedented ease and efficiency. Leveraging our extensive experience, personalization engine, flexible capabilities, and quick to implement solutions, we provide a dynamic platform that works across any payment type, on any network and with access to extensive distribution channels. 

Explore the dynamic benefits:

  • Pay for Performance: Pay only for results attributed directly to sales backed by our rich analytics, ensuring a clear return on ad-spend.
  • Targeted Offer Models: Unlock new revenue streams by targeting the right customers, paying only for actual performance leveraging our advanced AI.
  • Retention Boost: Elevate customer retention with strategic campaigns, rewarding increased spending frequency and managing offers for sustained customer engagement.
  • Win-Back Strategies: Regain lost revenue by strategically re-engaging lapsed customers through our dynamic Offers platform.
  • Efficient Spend Management: Maximize marketing impact with card-linked offers, confidently setting budgets and proving incremental lift through attributable sales and analytics.
Offers for merchants illustration

Through our suite of capabilities, marketers can enable ongoing brand affinity and consumer acquisition

Offers for Merchants case study How a fuel & convenience retailer saw 16x return on ad spend with personalized card-linked offers

A fuel & convenience retailer wanted to increase spend and bolster brand loyalty with customers who were spending more with competitors. The retailer partnered with Mastercard to develop a personalized card-linked offer campaign, which lasted for one month and focused on customers who spent 80-90% of their category spend with competitors. The campaign drove $369k in sales at a cost of $23k with an average transaction value of $80.40.

Customer story

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