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Welcome to the metaverse: An alternate dimension where physical and virtual worlds coexist to create a hybrid universe in which people socialize, work and play. One that is economically linked to real life.

As digital bleeds into the physical world, new methods of consumer interaction must be imagined; however, this next technology race will not only be for customer attention and the metaverse – it will be for reality itself.

Imagine shopping in-store – while being styled by a holographic digital assistant, or discovering new products by taking a personalized cinematic experience in a digital universe from your living room. Imagine banking in the metaverse – step into a virtual branch storefront for an appointment with your avatar advisor, or withdraw money out of your virtual wallet at a virtual ATM, then head next door to buy an NFT.

As people look for immersive and creative ways to interact with brands and products in a digital-first world, join the panel of Mastercard experts from Labs as a Service to explore next-gen retail and banking, gamification, the future of customer experiences, and NFTs - all of which will create the backbone of a new economy.

We’ll unpack what it is and why it’s such a big deal, provide real-life examples, and weigh in on what companies should do now to prepare for this trillion-dollar virtual economy opportunity.



Michael Clark 

Michael Clark

Vice President, Technology Ventures, Labs as a Service

Kat van Zutphen 

Kat van Zutphen

Senior Managing Consultant, Innovation Consulting, Labs as a Service

Jaycee Wolfswinkel 

Jaycee Wolfswinkel

Director, Product Management, Data & Services


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