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Discover up-to-date payments insights and trends from across the world.


Our Market Trends platform provides an in-depth view of payment insights, competitive intelligence, and industry trends along with an interactive e-learning platform and global startup engagement program.

Insights range from research on card performance, thought leadership on trending topics and use cases of new technologies.

Market Trends provides a simple, curated view of reliable insights – all in one place.

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Market Trends has a wide range of resources 

Market Assessment
Easy to access reports providing insights for over 70 markets globally on socio-economic, payment and digital KPI data, curated at a local level by Mastercard.
Access to over 500 reports and studies and browse by publication within Industry Insights, Consumer Research and World Payment Advisory*.
New Payment Experience
Analysis of over 145 global and regional Fintechs, and best practices to help inform strategies in a constantly evolving payments landscape e.g., use cases and company profile.
Card Comparison
Filtering and benchmarking features of over 9k card products issued by different schemes and issuers to help you understand the current competitive landscape.
Catch up on the latest new articles to stay on top of what’s relevant in your industry and market.
Ask Mastercard
Request more information on existing or new topics and contact Mastercard subject matter experts directly from the platform.
Start Path*
Global startup engagement program providing access to a network of over 250 high-potential startups, thought leadership, and live events.
Learning Lab*
Upskill at your own pace through cutting-edge courses including live webinars, interactive quizzes, podcasts, and more.

*Unlock premium features to discover new possibilities through exclusive content, including continued learning opportunities, an innovative startup network, and additional global reports.

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