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Mastercard SpendingPulse™ ARA Australia Report

Gain access to exclusive macroeconomic insights powered by Mastercard

As a benefit of your Premium membership with the Australian Retailers Association (ARA), you are eligible to receive exclusive monthly SpendingPulse™ Australia Executive Reports from our strategic partner Mastercard®.

SpendingPulse provides market intelligence based on national retail sales across all payments types, based on aggregated sales activity in the Mastercard payments network, coupled with survey based estimates for other payment forms, such as cash and check.

Why use SpendingPulse?

The monthly report dives into detailed data and insights on Australian retail spend, with expert analysis of current market conditions and forecasts of future spending, including:  

Growth icon 

Sales breakdown across key industries to see relevant trends for your business

Australia icon 

Regional breakdowns of sales performance by state and territory

Credit and debit icon 

Forecasts highlight expectations for future retail sales


You can leverage SpendingPulse to gain market intelligence on consumer spending to answer key business questions, including:

  • How much of my performance can be explained by macro-economic trends?

  • Is consumer spend in particular areas contracting or expanding over time?

  • Which regions and segments are seeing an increase in consumer buying?


Stay on top of industry trends in Australia. Subscribe now to receive the monthly reports!


Subscribe to Mastercard SpendingPulse™

By clicking submit, I acknowledge and agree to SpendingPulse™ Australia Executive Report’s Terms and Conditions, which Mastercard is providing on behalf of the Australian Retailers Association.

By clicking submit, I also acknowledge and agree that my personal data may be processed in accordance with Mastercard's Privacy Notice and Terms of Use.

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