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What we do
Product offerings
Contextualize and forecast performance with localized sales benchmarks and near real-time spending insights.
SpendingPulse™ platform
Discover and visualize historical data insights, real-time spend insights and accurate sales forecasts
Test & Learn® with SpendingPulse™ modeling
Evaluate large-scale business initiatives
Who we serve
Market intelligence for your industry
SpendingPulse™ powers decisions across various industries with detailed historical and near real-time spend insights and accurate sales forecasts.
Consumer packaged goods
Visualize the change in consumer spending and take the appropriate next steps
Financial institutions
Benchmark portfolio performance against retail economic activity
Public sector
Asses the economic impact of various initiatives and events
Understanding industry-level shifts in sales and growth
Plan ahead with historical data insights, real-time spend insights and accurate sales forecasts
Travel & hospitality
Implement various initiatives and plan for unusual trends
Mastercard offers various resources to equip organizations to offer more data-driven decisions using actual, near real-time spend insights.
Read insights from our experts
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Who we serve

SpendingPulse™ for financial institutions

Fuel data insight-driven decisions across all financial institution initiatives

Financial institutions must benchmark portfolio performance against retail economic activity, identify where the portfolio is over or under-performing the market potential, and use forecasts to plan marketing strategies.

FI Case study A leading issuer used SpendingPulse™ to identify growth opportunities

A leading issuer needed help contextualizing portfolio spend across key retail categories. The organization wanted to understand benchmarks versus peer credit portfolios and how much total spend (credit, debit, cash) flowed into each retail category. It tried to understand benchmark gaps to inform near-term card promotions. The issuer compared recent spend trends on their cards versus a benchmark from MIC and SpendingPulse™ to identify several opportunities for growth in apparel and home improvement spend.

Customer story

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