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The consumer segmentation study offers community financial institutions (FI) insights into how different the generational cohorts of consumers are when it comes to selecting which types of financial institutions and products to engage in.

It also provides learnings into the impact of consumer affluence on choices in payments and banking solutions. These findings:

Help inform product and marketing strategies to target the desired consumer segments with the relevant product offerings.

Expense history categorization icon

Identifies the important attributes that consumers are focusing on when seeking a payments and banking solution from Community FIs? How does this vary by consumer segment – generations, affluence?

Highlights the differences in perceptions and needs between different generations and level of household income. Are there differences between those who bank primarily with Community FIs versus those who bank primarily with Regulated Banks?

Account deposits history icon

What drives the primary banking relationship? Are there any differences driven by age and affluence, and what does that mean for Community FIs.

Complete the form to download the report and access detailed study findings, recommendations, and Mastercard solutions that will help community financial institutions succeed in the consumer segmentation space.

This report is exclusive to Mastercard customers. If you have any issues downloading the report by completing the form, please contact your Mastercard representative.

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